We Are

Surman Sansthan (An ISO 9001:2008 certified NGO) has been working to provide shelter and other necessary amenities for destitute abandoned children and women of the society for years now.
The Surman Sansthan is registered under the Rajasthan Co-operative Act 1958 under (Section 28, 1958) as of 31 Jan 1998 (Registration No.- 552/97-98).
Surman Sansthan saw the day of light after the long-cherished desire and ideology by the founder, Mrs. Manan Chaturvedi, ultimately took a structural shape.
Surman is a divine home where orphaned and abandoned children live in one shelter and an atmosphere where they can wish to have dreams and wish to achieve them. We all are concerned about our own lives and families and do our utmost to keep them healthy and happy, but we should never forget that “HUMANITY IS THE HUMAN RELIGION”.
Surman is a thought where we hope for a better future for children that are filled with human values. No kid should spend their life on the road, and the fragrance of their lives should spread across the world with the noble cause to have a child-friendly environment, system, and society that ensure rights of survival, development, and protection.
Surman home provides them with Safety, Confidence, Family feeling, Opportunities, and a way to fulfill their aspiration & dreams.
When Surman came into existence, Manan was serving all alone but, gradually people came, and still, a lot more is required to be done for these lovely kids.
Nature has destined her to serve.
While taking care of her three biological kids and family, she used to go to the slum
areas, distributing clothes, toys, sweets, and sometimes making paintings for them. This
inspired her to take care of these children, and this inspiration embedded the seed of
motherhood. She found a girl named “Gauri” who had a severe injury on her head and
bleeding badly. She took the baby to a hospital and stayed there with the girl for three
days. People suggested her to take the girl child to her own home. She did the same, and
the journey started on that day. That month, she got eight more children, and after
that, the number increased, and after that who came from where was never an issue.
The journey was not as easy as it looks now. When she used to go to the people for some kind of help for these children, they kept her waiting for a long time.
The journey has been continuing, and she has become the mother of more than 100 children residing at “Surman Sansthan” and “Anand Lok”.
The Meaning of the word itself describes the Deep Passion and Nobel cause of the founder
Mrs. Manan (Maa as called by Kids)
S - Samanta (Equality)
U - Umeed (Hope)
R - Raah (Path)
M - Mann (Soul)
A -
Ahaan (Dawn)
N - Nirmal (Pure)
1. No any financial
support from Central and Sate Govt.
2. She doesn’t allow anyone to adopt the kids from Surman.
3. To grow these children unselfish so that they in future support others like them
(Chain reaction).
4. STOP lengthy planning, Deep thinking, Ideologies, Worries about Success & Failure
(Work with Free Mind & Good Human Cause).
5. Provide these children’s Best possible Safety; Make them Confident, All possible
Opportunists to fulfill their Dreams & Aspiration.
6. Whatever you have, distribute it with other human beings as they are also having the
same GOD particle in them.
In India, approx. 45 children die because of malnutrition, lack of medical aid, and proper shelter. SURMAN PALNA came into existence as a result of a feeling for such kids that came in mind & touched its founder Manan, as per her words: “Whenever I look in the society and see many orphan and destitute kids with whom people show sympathy but very few dare to come out with the courage to provide them food, shelter, education, and medical facilities, I remember the bougainvillea flowers (Bougainvillea glabra), planted near boundary wall as a fence, no one plants them in their drawing room” In SURMAN PALNA we are committed to rehabilitating every child who has labeled as an orphan and destitute. We are proud to tell you that our family has grown from few to many. In the Surman family, there are school-going children, other rests are infants and toddlers enjoying the most wonderful phase of life with their mother Manan (Mumma).
• In present running two shelter homes, at first in Balaji Apartment, Nemi Nagar,
Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur of 70 girls and the second one in Anand Lok JDA Scheme Sikar Road
Jaipur Rajasthan for 40 boys, where 110 children served.
• Providing education to the children who are living in shelter homes and also those who
belong economically backward classes under Tapasya Project.
• Providing vocational activities like sports, crafts, theater art, etc. to develop
their skills.
• Linking the children to the mainstream to the society and re-establish them in
• Rehabilitate the children who had been separated from their family for some reason to
their family.