
Malnutrition is one of the major issues causing economic instability and imbalance. The low social status of the population in terms of quality and quantity both leads to cause the issue of malnutrition. The mismanagement of the consumption of proper diet required in a human body to function properly is also leads to cause malnutrition.
Surman Sansthan has looked after many such cases, where the child is suffering from malnutrition due to so many harsh reasons and their poor conditions. One of those cases was where we found a girl child on a platform where she was lying there unconsciously and has no means of surviving. Her bones were visible, and the only thing we can see on her face was her eyes. She was in a pathetic position there. We took her to our organization and looked after she bettered health. Today she is well educated, healthy, and also looks after and takes care of another child here in our organization.
This is a serious issue as so many children have to suffer from this and are dying. Together with us, join our hands to eliminate this issue as much as we can.