
Surman Sansthan (An ISO 9001:2008 certified NGO) has been working for providing shelter and other necessary amenities for destitute, abandoned children and women of the society from last 17 years.
The Surman Sansthan is registered under the Rajasthan Co-operative Act 1958 under (Section 28, 1958) as on 31 Jan 1998 (Registration No.- 552/97-98).
Surman Sansthan saw the day of light after the long cherished desire and ideology of the founder, Mrs. Manan Chaturvedi, ultimately took a structural shape.
Surman is a divine place where abandoned and orphan children are given shelter and an atmosphere where they can also see their dreams coming time. We all are concerned about our own lives and families and do our utmost to keep them healthy and happy but we should never forget that “HUMANITY IS THE HUMAN RELIGION”.
The Meaning of word itself describes the Deep Passion and Nobel cause of the founder Mrs.
Manan (Maa as called by Kids)
S - Samanta (Equality)
U - Umeed (Hope)
R - Raah (Path)
M - Mann (Soul)
A -
Ahaan (Dawn)
N - Nirmal (Pure)
Surman is a thought where we hope for better future which is full with human values and
thought is a seed which has varieties its existence but become a huge tree over a period
of time. No kid should spend his or her life on road and fragrance of their lives should
spread across the world with their noble cause to have a child friendly environment,
system and society which ensure rights of servival, development and protection.
They are also human being and deserve everything and we in Surman Parivar provide them with Safety, Confidence, Feeling of Family, Opportunities and ways how to fulfill their aspiration & dreams.
This is a time when sometime parent of two children feel difficult to fulfill the basic needs of their children, Manan Chaturved (Maa as called by Kids) deserve big appreciation who take care 94 kids and fulfilling their all basic needs. Their kids are very comfortable and full with life at Surman since it seems them their own house. In today’s era when people have limited boundary up to their own lives only Manan is doing such a divine work and it is being appreciated by everyone whoever come to know about Surman.
The biggest question arises why we have come in this world? Just to eat, drink, getting education and certain duties to be fulfilled towards our family and one day we will go back to almighty. We would be considered selfish who lived for themselves and did not contribute anything for society. The whole scenario will be different of this society if we have more people like Manan Chaturvedi. Time is flying like bird we all are engaged in our own lives we should definitely come forward to help Children they are the future of our nation and for a great economy like India, development of underprivileged , Orphanes, Children living on streets, Rag Pickers and Victims of abuse is much needed.
When Surman was established Manan was all alone but gradually people came and she formed a team of dedicated people who help her at each and every step and their Collaboration, Sharing Resources, Talent, Expertise & Experience; by this we at Surman Parivar can do things that No One of us could do alone; but still lot more in required to be done for these lovely kids.
What is the unique in Manan which
makes her different from others, her devotion and dedication towards the abandoned kids
of our society and now she stays with these kids at her vaishali nagar house “Surman
House”. Thing were not like this 17 years ago, she used to visit slum area and spent
quality time with these little kids. Intend to pursue her carrier in Fashion Designing
now all activities of Manan are related to little kids she make Films, does Stage Shows,
Painting (Shows & Expiations) and also publishing a monthly magazine “Bougain Vellia”
whatever revenue is being generated by Manan helps her to run Surman Sansthan. Jaipur is
a worth seeing place lot many tourist visit Jaipur and feel good often seeing places and
forts of Jaipur but they feel amazed after seeing little ones at Surman and how well
they are taken care of; It is not an orphanage but a complete family.
1. No any financial
support from Central and Sate Govt.
2. She doesn’t allow anyone to adopt the kids from Surman.
3. To grow these children unselfish so that they in future support others like them
(Chain reaction).
4. STOP lengthy planning, Deep thinking, Ideologies, Worries about Success & Failure
(Work with Free Mind & Good Human Cause).
5. Provide these children’s Best possible Safety; Make them Confident, All possible
Opportunists to fulfill their Dreams & Aspiration.
6. Whatever you have, distribute it with other human beings as they are also having the
same GOD particle in them.
In India approx. 45 how many children die because of mal nutrition, lack of medical aid and proper shelter. SURMAN PALNA came into existence as a result of a feeling for such kids that came in mind & touched its founder Manan, as per her words : “Whenever I look in the society and see many orphan and destitute kids with whom people show sympathy but very few dare to come out with the courage to provide them food, shelter, education and medical facilities, I am reminded of flowers of bougain villaea (Bougainvillea glabra), planted near boundary wall as a fence, no one plant them in their drawing room” In SURMAN PALNA we are committed to rehabilitate every child who has been labeled as orphan and destitute. We are proud to tell that our family has grown to 94 childrens and 11 elderly women; In our family there are 64 schools going kids and rest 30 are the infants and toddlers enjoying the most beautiful phase of the life with their mother Manan (Maa).VISION