
Jeevan- A distress call from helpless parents pleading for support in the treatment of their children, gave birth to another initiative called Jeevan. We started temporary adoption of the children needing medical aids and parents who are not in the position to bear the medical aid cost. To help these children and their families and to provide them a new life, we came out with our project Jeevan. This project was dedicated to helping the poor children who were so deprived of their health and bad physical conditions. The helplessness of their families to provide the proper aid to their children was a big issue. There were children detected with diseases like malnutrition, anemia, and septicemia, who we came across. A child having anemia was adopted by us who we founded in a public toilet. The child at that time had only 2.7 of hemoglobin in his body. The child was extremely weak but we didn’t lose hope and admitted him to J K Lon, Jaipur. We looked after the child and provided him with the best health care to provide that innocent child his life back. There are so many cases like these where we undertook the responsibility of children fighting with severe diseases and to enlighten their ‘Jeevan’.